Saturday, July 6, 2013

The State of America

I was born and raised in small town America, in South Boston, Virginia. I went to a private, Christian school for K-8th grade. I later went to a public high school where I graduated in 1986. Today, I'm a mother of three with a wonderful husband.

I attended church as a child on a regular basis, played outside in the dirt without fear of someone kidnapping me, and walked freely through the neighborhood visiting my friends. I knew everyone on the block and truly believe those were some of the best times of my life. For quite a few years now, I have seen this wonderful country turn into a cesspool. Evil has become the new normal. When I was a child, things were black & white. But, those lines have forever been blurred. There is no longer any black or white, everything is gray; no boundaries, no right or wrong, just evil.

We have, as a nation, killed off an entire generation of people through legalized murder, i. e. abortion. People say 'my body, my choice.' Well how about the choice of the unborn? We have so much blood on our hands that it will never wash away. We care more about saving animals than babies. If you don't want a baby then don't have sex. If you say it is your right to kill babies, then don't ask the ones of us who love children to pay for the murder of innocence.

The recent scandals in this country should make every one of us mad as Hades about the things this government is getting away with, such as killing babies, American citizens i. e. Benghazi, arming terrorist who kill Coptic Christians and who hate us to the very core of their being. The Bible has not changed and never will. Same sex marriage is wrong and always will be no matter how many laws you pass to legalize it. God says it's wrong so therefore it is wrong. Abortion is nothing more than legalized murder. This government is growing by leaps and bounds and taking away our rights a little at a time and yet we sit on our butts and do nothing about it. We can rally to support athletes, movie stars, yet we sit back and let our America just crumble around us. I don't understand why someone with half of a brain does not see what is becoming of this great nation and not be marching on the steps of the White House to defend our country. When will we wake up and smell the load of crap that is being sold to us?

Charity starts at home not from the government. I am a hard working woman and frankly I am sick and tired of low down lazy, excuses for a human being, enjoying life at my expense. We are no longer working for a living, we are working for a taxing. You can not spend your way out of debt and the debt of this nation is more than you and I and frankly generations to come, can ever pay back. When the government gravy train runs out, and believe you me it will, the first ones to be marching and tearing stuff up is gonna be the lazy ones who have the most to loose.

We have got to turn back to God in this country. We have turned our backs on Him and taken him out of everything. So, why are we surprised at the things that are going on? Until we invite Him back into our country and lives, we will continue to go down hill. When I was a child, we said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and even prayed. Now, because we may upset some idiot, we have taken that out of our schools. You can pray in prison, read the Bible, but not in school. So sad. The schools in this country are not teaching our children about the things that matter the most, half of the kids these days have no idea what the Constitution is or any of the rights it gives us, they are government indoctrinated schools that are all about teaching that the government will take care of you and you are entitled to everything . I was taught that if you don't work, you don't eat! Pity, that is not the mantra for today's generation. They feel that they are owed everything and nanny government needs to take care of them from the cradle to the grave.

I am so fed up with the evil and wickedness of man today. The Bible says in the end days, times will be as they were "in the days of Noah." People, I feel we have surpassed that evil and then some. Wake up and fight for this country and stop sitting by and watching it crumble. Stop the insanity of this government and wake up and realize we are being sold a bill of goods! In the words of our founding fathers, "No sovereign but God, no King but Jesus."

The race division in this country is only being fueled by the mainstream media. Everyday there is some new crisis and I must say, our government leaders do nothing to help this. They themselves continue to pour fuel on that fire when they accuse people of being a racist for daring to have the guts to say anything against President Barack Obama. His policies are the reason I did not vote for and do not support one single thing this man is doing. He has not done one single thing for this country but blame others. He is the Commander in Chief, yet he has no clue of anything going on in his administration. Well, if that is true, he needs to be relieved of his duties so that we can find someone who knows what the heck is going on. Also, his cronies are just as bad. They know less than he does, so who in the heck is running the country if none of them have a clue as to what is going on? Lies, lies and more lies is all we get out of them. I am fed up, fed up, fed up and so should everyone else be for allowing this farce to go on.

I Love God first and foremost my family second and this country.

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